domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

19 years old

Today I turn 19 years old.
The last year of teenager they say... Maybe that can turn out to be a relief! Who knows...
I can only wish for more peace of mind and perhaps even happiness in my life... although that´s something you have to work throughout all your life.
I also wish I could be more calm and less worried about things from now on... maybe even being more impulsive and less rational (if that´s possible).
Anything apart from that, I don´t want to change. I love myself, and besides not getting any kind of recognition, I´ll stick to my beliefs until someone can finally understand me.
Well... let´s just wait and see what my 19 years old are to bring...

Now playing: Maximo Park - Karaoke Plays
via FoxyTunes

1 comentário:

Diogo disse...

Parabéns Maria!!