sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008

Where are the others?

Deprime-me a maneira arrogante como as pessoas falam.
Deprime-me a falta de bom senso.
Deprime-me a falta de humildade.
Deprime-me a hipocrisia de pessoas que dizem compreender-me mas que no fundo, estão muito longe de tal facto.
Deprimem-me pessoas sem carácter.
Deprimem-me PSEUDO-intelectuais.
Deprime-me o não cumprimento da palavra dada.
Deprime-me a desonestidade.
Deprime-me esta solidão constante proveniente do meu vínculo fechado para com os meus valores.
Deprime-me esta pouca liberdade de estar presa às minhas convicções que teimam em ser defraudadas a cada dia que passa.

No entanto, sei que neste Mundo tão grande e complexo, não sou a única pessoa a pensar desta maneira. A pergunta que coloco nestes momentos de total inconformismo, é a seguinte:

Where are the others?

sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008


"I've been sitting here patiently
I've been talking too myself
Trying to shake that sinking feeling
Wishing I was somebody else
And I know
it's not easy
When you don't get what you deserve

Los Angeles Waltz


Now playing: Interpol - The heinrich maneuver
via FoxyTunes

segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008


You look around and you see nobody.
You start talking and there´s no one to hear you.
You start dreaming... there´s no one to share the dreams with.
You feel lonely... no one gives a shit.
You are misunderstood... because no one even tries to get your point.
You sit alone because suddenly, you aren´t the funny one anymore.
You start crying... there´s no one to confort you.
You want to breath... but you can´t.
You want to scream... but deep inside... you know that won´t help.

Yes... you´re alone. But the more lonely you are, the more powerful you get. Because deep inside, you know that you´re growing up, into something better, than all the insignificant rest.

"When you're there, they're your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
We know what they mean
Well they mean, they're just jealous
Because they never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well"

Golden Touch

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

Sem Título

" Everyone needs love
You know that it's true
Someday you'll find someone
That'll fall in love with you
But oh the time it takes
When you're all alone

Someday you'll find someone
That you can call your own
But till then ya better..."

My Michelle
Guns N´ Roses

Now playing: The Strokes - On the Other Side
via FoxyTunes

sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2008

Have you Ever...

"Have you ever buried your face in your hands
cause no one around you understands
Or has the slightest idea
what it is that makes you be

Have you ever felt like there was more
Like someone else was keeping score
And what could make you whole was simply out of reach, well, I know"

Have You Ever
The Offspring

Now playing: Razorlight - Fall Fall Fall
via FoxyTunes

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008

Yet another quote

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. "

Theodore Roosevelt


segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008


I have never trully trusted in anybody (maybe except my family, of course).
You might think I´m too cold or something like that. Maybe I am... but quite sadly, based on my life experience, that has always proven to be the best/smartest decision I could ever made.
That way, I can always see it coming. That way, I´m cautious and I don´t get caught (again) in surprise by acts of people you thought you could trust.

In the end, in this life, you´re all alone, all by yourself, and when you trully need someone to give you some strenght, guess what? The other people are way more interested in their own business. I don´t blame them... Individualism rules the world... but is it too bad to stop for a while, and care, maybe just a little, for the one who is next to you? I really wish that was possible. But life taught me it isn´t... so, guess what? I can´t count on anybody but myself.

Maybe one day, I´ll find a person that really gets me, and REALLY cares. Until then... I´ll keep pursuing my dreams and my beliefs, on my own. :)


Now playing: Led Zeppelin - 2 Stairway To Heaven.mp3
via FoxyTunes

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008


"Os dias prósperos não vêm por acaso.
São granjeados, como as searas,
com muita fadiga e com muitos intervalos de desalento."

Camilo Castelo Branco

imagem: Seara com Ciprestes, Van Gogh

quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2008

Amsterdam, Dreams & Company

In 5 days in this beautiful city that is Amsterdam, I felt as happy as I´ve never felt before. I higly recommend travelling if you´re feeling lost, incomplete, stagnate. It´s pure magic what it can do to you... how it can change you. Seeing new places, meeting new people, learning new cultures... couldn´t be any better!

I must add that during this trip, which was coming along almost perfectly, I saw two of my dreams coming true... which had never happened before in my life, in my last hours in Amsterdam.

I was getting kinda hopeless towards my dreams, thought they´d never come true. But finally, it happened. Guess if you keep struggling, you get there (and thrust me... sometimes it takes too long, but do never lose the hope).

What were those dreams, you might be wondering...

1) Watching Velvet Revolver in the front row, on the Slash´s side of the stage (which I did, in another country, in a venue I didn´t know, and just getting 1h before the show).
2) Meeting Slash and other members of the band (which coincidentally, they were right there, on the airport, on a departure gate in front of mine... can you believe it!? haha :D).

For you, this might be insignificant, maybe somehow foolish, but for me, making these two come true, in less then 8h, means everything in the world. It means I can do it. It means I can accomplish things. I know it represented a role in my life, it was one of the things I wanted to achieve and I did it. And I sure feel more complete now. And this sure came in the right timing, as I was feeling too lost and hopeless in this world (as you can see in my somewhat depressing posts below).

I was (and still am) dazed by happiness (that had been running away from me for so long), and I´m still kinda dizzy with all of this. Did it really happened? Was I lucky at least once (or shall I say twice) in my life? I sure was! And this time, there´s no room for depressing stuff, I must celebrate cos these sure were one of a life time events that ended up giving me the hope I needed to keep going. =)

Now playing: Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
via FoxyTunes