segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008


I have never trully trusted in anybody (maybe except my family, of course).
You might think I´m too cold or something like that. Maybe I am... but quite sadly, based on my life experience, that has always proven to be the best/smartest decision I could ever made.
That way, I can always see it coming. That way, I´m cautious and I don´t get caught (again) in surprise by acts of people you thought you could trust.

In the end, in this life, you´re all alone, all by yourself, and when you trully need someone to give you some strenght, guess what? The other people are way more interested in their own business. I don´t blame them... Individualism rules the world... but is it too bad to stop for a while, and care, maybe just a little, for the one who is next to you? I really wish that was possible. But life taught me it isn´t... so, guess what? I can´t count on anybody but myself.

Maybe one day, I´ll find a person that really gets me, and REALLY cares. Until then... I´ll keep pursuing my dreams and my beliefs, on my own. :)


Now playing: Led Zeppelin - 2 Stairway To Heaven.mp3
via FoxyTunes

3 comentários:

HornedWolf disse...

Hoje estive a ler-te um pouco, e penso que te reconheci, talvez, do Moita Metal Fest. Lia-te porque estava a ler o Journeyman, e depois vim parar a este blog.

Gostava que aceitasses este convite - e acredita que a fase de convidar aleatoriamente ja passou ha um bom tempo -, de te juntares ao meu forum, e que se chama "Abismo Humano". É que, como um dos nossos membros já disse, "tudo começa quando percebemos que todos os outros são um abismo", "estamos sozinhos, e sozinhos somos inteiros", entra e espreita.

Anónimo disse...

Trust no one. Doubt everything...

Nati disse...

agora seria a altura em que eu deixaria um comentário do tipo "i'll be there for you", mas acho que não adianta muito. LOL.
mas olha..
'You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough'.
